Cuba happenings

August 31.

Walked to hotel nacionale to Print out special piano parts for one of my pieces. I wanted to find somewhere to buy some blank printing paper to give as a gift to Jacinto. I noticed his supplies were running very low. Apparently it’s really expensive and hard to find. I utilised my broken Spanish to asks the assistant at the business centre at the Hotel Nacionale, and she notified me that it was about $20 for a packet. I guess it pays to be friendly and jovial because when I went To pay for my printouts she slipped about 100 blank pages of black printing paper in aswell!

A huge storm swelled this afternoon which cooled down the entire city and made some wonderful lightning strikes at night.

Convinced Aussie Steve to come to Casa de la Musica (walking distance). Turned out to be a great night. We befriended 2 great guys, one from Israel “Gal” and another from Chilli “Andreas”. Shared a bottle of Rum and TuKola ($35- that’s expensive, have paid as little as $7 for this on a previous trip at another venue). Live band PUPY was playing 🙂


– water and the smooth pavement test the gripping capabilities of my worn out thongs.
– saw a modified bicycle that had a spinning lathe rigged up to run off the back wheel. Used to sharpen a tool or knife. Another use for Pedal power.
– man practicing French outside on the Malecon wall in the 33 degree Celsius heat at 1.30pm.
– Cubans are allowed to smoke inside a venue.





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