Author: pvr

Breakfast Jazz and Latin Lunch

10 December. Wonderful day of music making today. 6:30am rise in order to beat the morning traffic for a breakfast jazz gig. The fine company making the early rise worth it. The Grainger Musuem at Melbourne University a wonderful spot…

Feeling like a rockstar

28 November Maybe I’m one of the fortunate few, who have had the privilege of knowing what it feels like to be on stage feeling like a rockstar. Quite a different experience to playing original compositions at a jazz club…

Nomination for Music Victoria Award

Oct 20.. I’m very happy to share that my Cuban Album “Mi Alma Cubana – My Cuban Soul”  has been nominated for The Age Music Victoria Music Awards. One of the my most rewarding projects.   

Nomination for Muis Victoria Award

Oct 20.. I’m very happy to share that my Cuban Album “Mi Alma Cubana – My Cuban Soul”  has been nominated for The Age Music Victoria Music Awards. One of the my most rewarding projects.   

Colombia Tour with ClaveMania

July 2015. It’s wonderful having musician friends that are originally from other countries.. Especially when they are going “home” to visit….which turns into a band tour. Yeah! For most of the month of July, I spent time in the mountains…

Copyright © 2023 Paul Van Ross