
Breakfast Jazz and Latin Lunch

10 December. Wonderful day of music making today. 6:30am rise in order to beat the morning traffic for a breakfast jazz gig. The fine company making the early rise worth it. The Grainger Musuem at Melbourne University a wonderful spot…

Feeling like a rockstar

28 November Maybe I’m one of the fortunate few, who have had the privilege of knowing what it feels like to be on stage feeling like a rockstar. Quite a different experience to playing original compositions at a jazz club…

Nomination for Music Victoria Award

Oct 20.. I’m very happy to share that my Cuban Album “Mi Alma Cubana – My Cuban Soul”  has been nominated for The Age Music Victoria Music Awards. One of the my most rewarding projects. http://www.musicvictoria.com.au/agemusicvictoriaawards/nominations   

Nomination for Muis Victoria Award

Oct 20.. I’m very happy to share that my Cuban Album “Mi Alma Cubana – My Cuban Soul”  has been nominated for The Age Music Victoria Music Awards. One of the my most rewarding projects. http://www.musicvictoria.com.au/agemusicvictoriaawards/nominations   

Colombia Tour with ClaveMania

July 2015. It’s wonderful having musician friends that are originally from other countries.. Especially when they are going “home” to visit….which turns into a band tour. Yeah! For most of the month of July, I spent time in the mountains…

Copyright © 2023 Paul Van Ross